Fuck the Patriarchy

My loved ones are valuing marriage over anything else in this world. The women in my life that I’ve looked up to for so long are caving to men who seem to be able to financially provide, however, barely wipe their own ass. A financially “stable” W2 partner is all that matters……. it seems.

These men are nice enough, but they do expect to be fawned over (don’t ask me, I’m not sure for what). They do the bare minimum for their female partner. They will grill a steak, but they won’t organize a meal or dinner, or invite friends over to make it happen. And you want a drink? He’s got it! But you’re buying the meal and dessert.

I’m sad watching my female loved ones’ souls quiet as they get serious with these men.

As a lesbian, I’ve never expected to rely on a man for my finances. I don’t worry about pregnancy scares. Growing up, I didn’t dream of a wedding, I dreamt of self acceptance. I have a different view on what I will bring to a partnership and what my future partner will bring than most straight couples. As a millenial lesbian, I have had zero to minimal social conditioning of what a relationship dynamic should look like as it was never portrayed in media.

I think Female<>Female relationships run the risk of mirroring a heterosexual relationship’s stereotypes (i.e. I have one lesbian friend couple (masc<>fem) and the masc woman pays for everything).

I love that lesbians get to fall in love with no playbook of how it should look. It’s beautiful that we have a clean slate to build the relationship we want.


It’s Not Biphobia